Avra Restaurant - Garden - Bar Mykonos Greece.
One of the places where you can enjoy some of the delicacies of Greek and International cuisine on Mykonos Island. Open March - November: every day from 7 PM to 1 AM.
Avra (The Breeze) Restaurant provides excellent food, efficient service, intimate ambiance and reasonable prices, satisfying even the most demanding customers.
Niko, the owner and manager with over twenty years of experience as head chef in many major restaurants on the island, brings his reputation and unique talents into the Avra kitchen, priding himself on quality.Traditional decor has been carefully arranged creating a comfortable setting throughout. The customer may choose between the busy front street-terrace, the more intimate surroundings of the warm interior, or the beautiful private garden perfect for outdoor dining on warm summer nights. For the added convenience of customers, a small bar is available where cocktails or aperitifs can be enjoyed while waiting for a table.
Situated in the middle of town, Avra Restaurant can be easily found as it is located directly behind the Alpha Bank on Matogianni str. (main street).
Avra Restaurant - Garden, Kalogera str.84600 Mykonos, Greece
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