Kounelas fish taven restaurant In Mykonos Town
Kounelas is a small restaurant hidden almost behind the town hall of Mykonos at a narrow street with a small yard where you may experience a fantastic Greek meal with a Greek salad and unbolted wine that make you feel happy being there . Kounelas is the write place if you are searching a restaurant that will treat you like a repeating customer or much better like a friend. Fish is what you must try .. they will let you choose your fish and they will cook it on the grill like no one else can .
When I say "they" I mean Yannis and his sister Irene are always happy to make you feel like you are having a barbeque at your backyard . This restaurant exists many decades and people keep coming back . their Parents use to have this original Greek Taverna and the kids keep the business running better than anyone else . The Greek humor of Yiannis the best cooked fish that you ever had in your life and the feeling that you are not a euro but a friend will make you go back again . ps: kounelas is the Greek word for rabbit .
kounelas fish tavern 302289028220
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