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MykonosTour / Bars Clubs / ASTRA Bar Mykonos

ASTRA Bar Mykonos

ASTRA Bar Mykonos

ASTRA Bar Mykonos ASTRA Bar Mykonos ASTRA Bar Mykonos

On the highly pedestrian Matoyianni street , ASTRA is the place to visit if you want to taste how the nightlife felt when Mykonos was favorite meeting point of the world΄s rich and famous . Indeed , ASTRA is perhaps the only party institution in modern Mykonos that retains the feeling and the atmosphere of the romantic 60΄s and the glittering 70΄s . Designed and build by Minas , a world renowned artist who himself adores the bright light and simple lines of the Cyclades islands , ASTRA  strikes you with its red bougainvilleas growing against white than whiter  walls , the Aegean -blue painted shutters , the simple yet elegant interior and the ceiling resembles  which resembles the celestial dome of an Observatory .

Every night , Babis , the proprietor and the man behind all this , stands on the entrance balcony , warmly welcoming a variety of guests , ranging from the international jet-set to dance-loving teenagers .

Babis burst on to the island΄s lively night scene when he decided to open his own bar Vengera in 1975, followed by the legendary  Ibiza bar in 1978. These were soon adopted by the island΄s international party crowd  and became -must go- hangouts .

In the mid 80΄s , Babis decided that was time for something new . With the help of his friend Minas , he started working on the ASTRA project , opting , despite the prevailing trend towards mega discos and the quantity over quality , for a smaller centrally located building, where he could offer quality entertainment in a more intimate environment .

ASTRA BAR  opened in July 1987 and soon proved him right .

Even if you are disenchanted by the nightclubbing scene , you can not help be impressed by the beautiful building standing in symmetry with the neighboring Church and the small square in front of it . Old fashioned as it may sound for a modern club , the buildings walls as well as the  square΄s     pavement are whitewashed every Monday and Friday afternoon in the traditional manner .

Since the summer of 2003 , Babis has teamed up with Omiros , a very familiar face to the Mykonos regulars . Omiros was himself the resident DJ of the ASTRA club from 1995 to 2001 . He made an impact on the Athens night scene with -FREEYOUBASE- down town club and in Mykonos with - SEABASE- club , where he organized live concerts and special events featuring some of the worlds leading DJs.

A must in the Mykonos nightlife, Astra  bar still attracts those people who like to party into the hours , as well as those who simply wants to see and to be seen.  

This is a free listing for ASTRA  Bar  at Mykonos .If you are interesting to change or add more information or pictures for this listing please contact us with the email form below and we will be glad to assist you.

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MykonosTour Page ID: 261

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