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Yannis Amoryanos

Yannis Amoryanos

Yannis was born in Athens Greece, the greatest land, the mother of Arts: He studied classical theater but his true love was always painting. In fact, Yanni says, he was painting ever since he could remember. At a very young age Yanni came to New York with the ambition of pursuing studies and a career in fine arts. Yanni also studied sculpture at New York Sculpture, and many years later began designing and making fine Jewelry.

My Philosophy

Painting is a poem, frequently expressed by different people in many different ways.

I personally feel illuminated by the blessings of nature, by the paradise on earth, therefore, I created my Paradise on canvas for you to share. Having seen given this gift of Paradise, it is my pleasure, in fact my honor to transmit happiness to the world with my paintings.

In my Paradise there is no pain, there is no hate, there is just love, peace, harmony and hope.

There is no destruction or death, there is only tranquility.

There is Godliness.

This is a place given to me. This is the place I choose the world to see. This is the world for all to live

 At a very young age Yanni came to New York with the ambition of pursuing studies and a career in fine arts. Yanni also studied sculpture at New York Sculpture, and many years later began designing and making fine Jewelry.
Private Collections
Modern Art lan Vorres, Athens, Greece
Musee Quentovic, Le Touquet France
National Museum, Valletta, Malta
National Museum, Treviso, Italy
Cathedral Museum, Malta
Palacio de Zarzuela, Madrid, Spain
Palacio de Lyria, Madrid, Spain

1970:  GREECE, Hydra Legoff Gallery
1971:  BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro, Latin American Gallery
1972:  NEW YORK, Bartolini Gallery
1973:  SPAIN, Madrid, Faunas Gallery
1974:  NEW YORK, Larcada Gallery
1974:  SANTO DONININGO, National Theater Gallery
1975:  NEW YORK, Larcada Gallery
1975:  PALM BEACH, Entree Gallery
1976:  ARGENTINA, Buenos Aires, Latin American Gallery 1975:  VENEZUELA, Caracas Michelana Gallery
1976:  SPAIN, Madrid, Faunas Gallery
1977:  NEW YORK, Clay Gallery
1977:  ARGENTINA, Buenos Aires, Wildenstein Gallery
1977:  URUGUAY, Punta del Este, Ta Nisia Gallery
1977:  VENEZUELA, Caracas Michelena Gallery
1978:  ARGENTINA, Buenos Aires Wildenstein Gallery
1978:  NEW YORK, Clay Gallery
1978:  VENEZUELA, Caracas Sans Souci Gallery
1978:  VENEZUELA, Maracaibo la Pinacoteca Gallery
1979:  ARGENTINA, Buenos Aires Wildenstein Gallery
1979:  NEW YORK, Ta Nisia Gallery
1979:  SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador, Alexis Gallery
1979:  URUGUAY, Punta del Este, Ta Nisia Gallery
1980:  GREECE, Athens, Zygos Gallery
1980:  JAPAN, Nagoya, Mitsukoshi Gallery
1980:  JAPAN, Tokyo Mitsukoshi Gallery
1980:  LOS ANGELES, Churchill Gallery
1980:  NEW YORK, Ta Nisia Gallery
1980:  URUGUAY, Punta del Este, Ta Nisia Gallery
1981:  NEW YORK, Ta Nisia Gallery
1982:  GREECE, Athens, Zygos Gallery
1983:  BAHRAIN, Intercontinental Hotel Gallery
1983:  UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, ABU DABI, International Hotel Gallery
1983:  UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, DUBAI, Hilton Gallery
1984:  PUERTO RICO, San Jeronimo Gallery
1985:  NEW YORK, Ta Nisia Fine Arts Gallery
1986:  NEW YORK, Ta Nisia Fine Arts Gallery
1987:  GREECE, Athens,  Arion Hotel Gallery
1988:  GREECE, Athens, Arion Hotel Gallery
1989:  NEW YORK, Ta Nisia Fine Arts Gallery
1990:  GREECE, Athens, Gallery Antinor
1991:  GREECE, Athens, Gallery Antinor
1992:  GREECE, Salonica Gallery Relics
1993:  NEW YORK, Ta Nisia Fine Arts Gallery
1994:  GREECE, Athens, Arion Hotel Gallery
1995:  GREECE, Athens, Gallery Antinor
1996:  GREECE, Athens Arion Hotel Gallery
1997:  GREECE, Athens Arion Hotel Gallery
1997:  NEW YORK, Ta Nisia Fine Arts Gallery
1998:  NEW YORK, Ta Nisia Fine Arts Gallery
2000:  NEW YORK, Ta Nisia Fine Arts Gallery
2002:  NEW YORK, Ta Nisia Fine Arts Gallery

MykonosTour Page ID: 727

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