Singe 2020 this gem is no longer exists
ALEGRO Cafe-bar Restaurant , Gialos Mykonos water front . This lovely Mykonian establishment offers a wide variety of breakfast, fruit juices and coffees, a delicious selection of salads and Mediterranean cuisine.
Alegro cafe bar - Restaurant bar Mykonos
tel:0030 2289025030
This is a free listing for ALEGRO Cafe-bar Restaurant at Mykonos .If you are interesting to change or add more information or pictures for ALEGRO Cafe-bar Restaurant please contact us with the email form below and we will be glad to assist you.
Mykonos Tour is always in an update progress so people will find all the details that they are looking for. Bar owners are always welcome to add or update their informations at Mykonos Tour Network by filling the form from the contact us section . Form »
MykonosTour Page ID: 271