Snack bar Leonidas at Mykonos Town.
Snack bar Leonidas, owned by L. Basekis & D. Magafas from 1994, operates since 30 years now at Scarpa area of Mykonos town. It is well known for its specialties (gyros pork or chicken), the famous hamburgers with fresh meat and the gorgeous sandwiches, after drinks and clubbing at the bars of Scarpa and Little Venice... Choose between a quick meal or take away for your house !
Snack Bar Leonidas, Scarpa Mykonos town, 84 600.
This is a free listing for Snack bar Leonidas in Mykonos town.If you are interesting to change or add more information or pictures for this listing please contact us with the email form below and we will be glad to assist you.
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MykonosTour Page ID: 268